Game Designer / Technical Artist

Monster Coffeeshop
Co-Game Designer, Artist, Unity Developer
The coffee shop spills over with warm colors and calm vibes to invite its customers to relax and open up about their problems. Combine drinks, talk to customers, serve them, and fill up your journal with new recipes as you learn about what ails your monster customers.
Roles | Co-Game Designer, Artist/Animator
Tools | Unity, Photoshop
Duration | 2019
Team Size | 2
Simulation/Visual Novel
Awards and Recognition:
❖ Showcased at USC Games Expo 2021
❖ Published on Google Play Store
Monster Coffeeshop was initially created as part of a 4-week-long class project in which I worked closely together with 1 partner. My partner and I decided on our mood and experience goals first before delving into the thematic, which ended up being a coffeeshop for troubled monsters.

My role:
I worked closely with my co-designer partner to design straightforward yet satisfying drink-combining mechanics, responsive customer/dialogue interaction systems, and a dynamic recipe book to match the experience goals of the discovery-motivated gameplay. I utilized Unity's UI system to craft the 2D experience and prototyped and iterated upon the mobile touch-centered mechanics by testing it on my own phone and conducting countless playtests.
As a designer and artist with knowledge in scripting in C#, I was able to quickly prototype iterate the customer, dialogue, ingredient, and drink crafting mechanics. I learned the intricacies of Unity's UI and Canvas and how to harness them to my advantage while building a completely 2D game.

GDDs and Development Process